
Iota is a web scraper that can find all of the images and links/suburls on a webpage

Primary LanguagePython

Web Iota

Iota is a web scraper that can find all of the images and links/suburls on a webpage. In order to implement these features, the code uses certain python libraries, Selenium, Request, webdriver_manager, and Beautifulsoup

warning: this project is educational, the author is not responsible for any damage on public websites that is caused by the users

Iota 1

  • Supports scraping images and links on the raw html of webpages
  • Using request lib and Beautifulsoup
  • Unable to parse Javascript

Iota 2

  • Requires WebDriver
  • Using request, selenium ChromeDriver, webdriver_manager, and Beautifulsoup
  • Able to parse JavaScript
  • Able to scrape most of the anti-scraping websites


pip install -r requirements.txt


Try to type python iota1.py -h

usage: iota.py [-h] [-img] [-all_img] [-link] [url]

positional arguments:
  url         The URL of the target website/webpage

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -img        Find all of the image on the webpage
  -all_img    Find all of the image on the webpage and subwebpages
  -link       Find all of the suburls/links on the webpage

Example: python iota2.py -img https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_classes.asp