I wrote a public bot with similar functionality. If you want to try it, it's available at https://tsuwari.tk
- Custom commands:
- you can create a command with JavaScript evaluation;
- already built-in variables;
- also supports custom variables.
- Timers: send message in chat periodically.
- Variables: create some variable, which can be used in timers or custom commands.
- Moderation system.
- Users stats counting:
- messages;
- time on stream;
- bits;
- tips;
- time of follow.
- Integrations:
- Streamlabs;
- DonationAlerts;
- Qiwi Donate;
- Spotify.
- Keywords system.
- Points system:
- count user points per watching or chatting.
- Overlays system:
- you can create some overlay and use it in your OBS!
- Events system:
- trigger tip, bit, host and do something!
- Postgres
- Node >= 12
Installation process:
git clone https://github.com/Satont/yakui
cd yakui
npm install
npm run build
cp .env.example .env
version: "3.2"
image: satont/yakui
restart: always
- ./logs:/app/logs/
- .env
- 3000:3000
As option there is mirror registry based on gitlab: registry.gitlab.com/satont/yakui:latest
Special thanks goes to sogehige, our bot logger was copied from his project.