Adoption of the Bitcoin Switch with the T-Call Go V1.4 which has a GSM800 Module and a OLED display.
This repo is based on the original source of bitcoinSwitch of @benarc!
This Commit was used for developing.
- Relay
You will find the sources for too.
2 Portal Pin
### TFT ###
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
5V (violet) 3.3V/5V Power input
GND (white) GND
14 (green) DIN / MOSI Data input
18 (orange) SCL Clock input
33 (yellow) DC Data/command signal selection, low level indicates command, high level indicates data
32 (blue) CS Chip select, active low (because 17 was not found)
25 (brown) RST (because 5 is used for the modem)
VIOLET 5V 3.3V/5V Power input
GREEN 14 DIN / MOSI Data input
ORANGE 18 SCL Clock input
YELLOW 32 CS Chip select, active low (because 17 was not found)
BLUE 33 DC Data/command signal selection, low level indicates command, high level indicates data
BROWN 25 RST (because 5 is used for the modem)
(Colorcoding of this TFT Display)
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
### Relay ###
12 IN of Relay
FYI: GPI: GPIO34-39 can only be set as input mode and do not have software-enabled pullup or pulldown functions.
I needed to extend the current bitcoinSwitch config for the LNURL on the display and the gsm network. See elements.json.example.
The library is broken - at least how to set the version I needed to change directly the .c files (look a version7 and copy and paste the selection part (first 3 lines) to version9 file)
Pin 4 is used by the modem. Changed Portal PIN to 2.
#define PORTAL_PIN 2
int16_t strength = modem.getSignalQuality()
99 not known or not detectable
2 ... 30 --> Check Table here:
- Use
- Option: Arduino Code, Single Bitmap
- Option: Horizontal 2 Bytes
I am using a relay on pin12 and it was triggered, when the moden is dooing something. I needed to set the pin on output in the beginning of the code. (Not wait until the first payment is recived).
If you like this project, please adapt the landingpage to your local stores, that accept bitcoin or even extend it. Why not send some tip love?