Screenshot from 2024-06-07 18-35-41

Here's the database structure:

plaintext Копировать код Country:

  • id (PK)
  • name (CharField)


  • id (PK)
  • name (CharField)
  • country_id (FK to Country)
  • elo_rating (IntegerField)


  • id (PK)
  • name (CharField)


  • id (PK)
  • result (CharField)
  • color (CharField)
  • number_of_moves (IntegerField)
  • date_played (DateTimeField)
  • opening_type_id (FK to OpeningType)
  • player_id (FK to Player)
  • rival_name_id (FK to Player) Explanation:

Country: Stores information about countries. Player: Stores information about players, including their name, country, and elo rating. OpeningType: Stores information about different types of openings. Game: Stores information about each game played, including result, color, number of moves, date played, and references to the player, rival player, and opening type. PK = Primary Key FK = Foreign Key


3 API sections are available


Api section related to the game


Api section related to the players


Section for updating ratings based on results

Data Generation:

Create a mechanism to generate up to 5,000 realistic chess game records, including information such as:

  • Player names (white & black)
  • Game result (win, loss, draw)
  • Opening type (e.g., Sicilian Defense, Ruy Lopez)
  • Number of moves
  • Date played

Create player profiles with attributes like:

  • Name
  • Elo rating
  • Country
  • Number of games played
  • Win/loss/draw statistics

Advanced Filtering: Implement filtering capabilities on the REST API for both games and players. Allow filtering by:

  • Player name
  • Game result
  • Opening type
  • Date range -Elo rating range
  • Country

Integrate caching for players list


  • Design and implement a comprehensive REST API using Django REST Framework (DRF) to:
  • Retrieve game records
  • Retrieve player profiles
  • Filter game and player data
  • Add new game records (optionally)
  • Update player ratings based on game outcomes (optionally)