
This is a Clone of Netflix Made In React and Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Netflix Clone

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 11 26 58 PM

This is a clone of the Netflix website, created while following the Karl Hadwen course on Scrimba.com

Technologies Used

This application is a single page application created with ReactJS. I have chosen to use hooks over redux to handle application state. Each component is being styled with Styled Components. The components are organized using the compound component design pattern, that is an idea in which you have two or more components that work together to accomplish a useful task. Firebase is used as the backend for this project.

Challenges I have faced and Things I have learned

At times I had a lot of difficulty trying to figure out how to get some styling to work styled components. CSS has always been one of my weak spots so I appreciated the amount of styling I had to do for this project. Another difficulty I had was understanding how API requests worked.

By doing this project, I have learned new ways of structuring a React project. The concept of compound components was an entirely new subject for me and I like how it provides some sort of separation of a component library in that I do not have to import every single component.

I got to learn how to use Firebase, I was actually quite excited to learn this. as I have heard the buzzword being thrown around a lot!

This was also the first project in which I got to use React hooks. I appreciate the Simplicity of working with React Hooks over using Redux for managing state. I intend to look more into whether there is still a place for Redux in the React ecosystem.