
[HETIC College H2] Build a simple Pokedex in PHP using PokeAPI

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP exercise given by my teacher at HETIC to learn to master PHP and queries (here with PokeAPI).

Made by Joshua Tabakhoff with this CodePen design by @athoug.

Planned features

  • Dependencies managed by Composer
  • List of Pokemon
    • API
    • Filter Pokemon by name (client-side)
    • MVP UI
    • UI
    • Cache active (no debug purpose anymore)
  • Get Pokemon details
    • API
    • MVP UI
    • UI (add links to other pages)
    • Cache active (no debug purpose anymore)
  • Get Ability details
    • API
  • Get Move details
    • API
    • MVP UI
    • UI
    • Cache active (no debug purpose anymore)
  • (final) Enable cache everywhere
  • Error-proof (rip beginners coding on windows and dealing with ssl errors tho <3)

If-time features

  • Routing (htaccess-based) (could've been my router)
  • Play with more specfic endpoints
  • Add SEO tags (meta, schema.org JSON-LD..)
  • favicon (source)
  • 404 page

Run the project

Requirements: PHP 7.0, Apache (for htaccess URL Rewrite), Composer.

Go to project directory and run once:

composer install

Then enjoy!