
Try deploying react app at username.github.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Try deploying react app at username.github.io

Steps to deploy to https://username.github.io:

First of all, create a react-app. We'll create a build for the application everytime a new change is made in default branch and serve using github-pages in that branch.

  • Add gh-pages as dev-dependency in you application.
  • For this, add required scripts in package.json:
      "predeploy": "npm run build"
      "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
  • While pushing any new changes, along with this do npm run deploy, this will create a new branch and push the build to the created branch.
  • Serve using github-pages at new branch(gh-pages) in /.
  • Now, to avoid overhead, add a script "push": "npm run deploy && git push" in package.json and after committing, instead of pushing it with git push, use npm run push.
  • Hooray! Visit https://username.github.io and your website is live.