
This web application helps offline stores and users to maintain covid norms by making an appointment before visiting a store so that social distancing can be followed.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Check it out - https://visit-me.herokuapp.com/

Home page

Book online appointments for your offline visits. Maintain distancing norms and visit your favorite store.

This web application helps offline stores and users to maintain covid norms by taking an appointment beforehand so that social distancing norms can be followed.



  • Register.
  • Add an appointement to any of registered stores.
  • Manage your appointments. (List or delete the appointments)
  • Find available slots for each store.


  • Register.
  • Specify timings and days when shops are opened.
  • Specify maximum allowed bookings per hour.
  • List appointments for your store. (and see if they are deleted by the user)
  • Update store preferences. (timings, allowed limit, working days)
  • Remove the store from the portal.

Contributions are welcome. Open an issue to discuss.