
Flutter project for freelancing...

Project Overview

  1. Architecture - MVC
  2. State Management - Getx

Folder structures:

In pages folder:

  1. Home - blogs by all authenticated users.
  2. Add Blog - allows user to post blogs with multi-images and category (sports/movies)
  3. Profile - info about authenticated user
  4. Search - search user using email.

Controllers - has HomCcontroller and AddBlogController

Central -global reuseable widgets and services (image_service and firebase_service)

Cool Features

  1. User authentication(Email + Google)
  2. Uploading blogs with user's data and blog category(Sports/Movies).
  3. Uploading images under blogs (Firebase storage).
  4. Mini profile section for the user.
  5. Searching users with email address.
  6. Filtering blogs on two categories (Sports/Movies)
  7. Blog feed with images (Realtime feed with Cloud Firestore and streams).