
Beautiful Wallpapers for Websites

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Beautiful Wallpapers for Websites


🛑 These works are not completely mine 🛑

How to use webBg Module

Initial Setup

  • Copy/Paste The following code in your HTML file :
<script type="module">
  import { webBg } from 'https://satyamv7.github.io/webBackground/index.js';
  webBg('ID', 'zIndex')

Configure the Module

  • Replace ID parameter in webBg('ID', 'zIndex') with your desired background's ID available.
    • The list of available backgrounds & their respective ID(s) are given below.
  • Replace zIndex parameter in webBg('ID', 'zIndex') with CSS z-index property value your want configure.
    • Value for z-index may vary with background to background and from person to person.
    • Default value for this property is '-1'.

Module Docs at ☞ Docs

Demo/Full Preview Here ☞ Demo

Name ID Preview
Matrix Rain 0 Preview Here ☞ Link
Medusae 1 Preview Here ☞ Link
Periodic Table 2 Preview Here ☞ Link
Protein Clouds 3 Preview Here ☞ Link
Rain 4 Preview Here ☞ Link
Sea Parallax 5 Preview Here ☞ Link
Simple System 6 Preview Here ☞ Link
The 25th Hour 7 Preview Here ☞ Link
The Hill 8 Preview Here ☞ Link
Triangles And Light 9 Preview Here ☞ Link
WebGL Fluid Simulation 10 Preview Here ☞ Link