Project Name - permissible-jump-1162

Skinstore is a skin & beuty related website which helps you to find the different kinds of the products. SkinStore is part of THG Holdings plc, a globally renowned end-to-end tech platform specializing in taking brands direct to consumers across the globe. Using its proprietary technology and infrastructure, THG Ingenuity, the Group enables brands to grow at scale while driving unrivalled value and continuous performance.

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Languages Used

Skinstore webiste looks very amazing and introduced with various type of languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc. There are the some important details regarding with this project which is mentioned below:

      ◉ JavaScript : 47.1%
      ◉ HTML : 35.9%
      ◉ CSS : 24.0%

This report is provided by the Github language used stats. So, this is the total percentage of the coding languages. Now we explain our project in details.

Features & Specifications


Homepage is one of the most important factor which also known by the name of Landing Page. There are different kinds of the Products and populer services are mentioned here. Take a look on it. image


Navigation Bar is the topmost layer or bar of our website. In this bar, you find the various types of the menus like Brands, Sale, Makeup, HairCare, Login, Register, Add to Cart Page etc.



Shop By Category

This is one of the most important section after the slider. Here you find the different kinds of populer Categories which helps to find your product easily. Take a look on that.


SkinCare Page Overview

This is an overview of the Page. Where you can get the details inforamtion about the page. After clicking on certain element you easily move to the Main Products Page of Skin Care.


Cart Page

It is a cart Page where you find the different kinds of the products which products you added in your cart. Take a look on that. image


As you know that every website have the header and footer. Also in this this website, we have a pritty footer which helps you to move the different kinds of the important pages.


So, this is the footer of our website clone. All the things in quite easy to use as well as mobile, teblet and desktop. We hope you like these things.


This website is fully mobile friendly. You can use this website in mobile, tablet either desktop as well as. You feels very nice when you are using this website.

Things Used We using different kinds of the technologies to make this website. These things are as follows:

  • Javascript, React, Readux, Chakra UI, CSS, HTML etc.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.