Curated List of Research Focused Reading Materials & Videos for Learning about Programming Language Theory Research, Formal Methods and their application in some most active computer Science fields.
- 01001101ilad
- Amirfarhad-NilizadehUniversity of Central Florida
- apples0226
- archi-cszcli
- BG4WCEEveryone Test AB
- bstee615@Microsoft
- c-luu
- CaptainDredge@AWS
- divyeshunadkatIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Elegent-raj
- fake-rookie
- Fanloe
- FengZiGG
- GrizzlyTeddyBear
- Gy-HuThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- halsten
- hengxinNanjing University (南京大学)
- Huanranwang
- JDixonCS
- kingsam0018
- lizhuohuaCUHK
- m-pedroAI, Machine Learning, AGI
- MadhuNimmoUC Riverside
- MbarkErrasMorocco
- mhsnalmLahore, Pakistan
- Mudkipboo
- nlepcha23
- sansqraMumbai
- SatyendraBanjareSAP Labs India
- scorbiclife
- Shenghsin
- swjtuer326
- the-slow-one@intel
- xiaoxiaoei
- yishibashi
- zeratod