
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Address Book

Getting Started

TLDR; first start? make start && make migrate goto http://localhost or do make test

  1. If not already done, install Docker Compose
  2. Run make build to build fresh images
  3. Run make up (the logs will be displayed in the current shell)
  4. Open https://localhost in your favorite web browser and accept the auto-generated TLS certificate
  5. Run make down to stop the Docker containers.
  6. make test will initialize the fixtures and run the whole testsuite in the docker environment
    1. otherwise youll need to set it up in your IDE by yourself.


  • execute migrations automatically on startup
  • Translate the form-labels via 'label' => 'translation.key'
  • Add more constraints to the forms via 'constraints' => [new ...()]
    • I assumed to validate only against the generic types (look ContactType)
  • add more integration tests for the controllers. currently it is a show case