This repository contains some of my data science and machine learning projects. It serves as a demonstration of my skills in these areas.
- Emergency calls analyisis: exploratory data analysis of 911 emergency calls dataset.
- Financial data analysis: exploratory data analysis of financial data obtained from yahoo finance using pandas_datareader.
- Linear regression: analysis of customers data and investment prediction using linear regression.
- Logistic regression - Titanic: classification exercise using logistic regression on the famous titanic dataset from kaggle.
- Logistic regression - advertisement: model that predict whether or not a client will click on an ad based off the features of that user.
- Sigmoid function: implementation of the sigmoid function in python.
- 911.csv: 911 emergency calls from Montgomery County, PA
- Ecommerce Customers: customer info of an e-commerce company.
- titanic_train.csv: information of titanic passengers.
- advertising.csv: fake adevertising data set of a company website.