
Setup a mean server with MongoDB and NodeJS based on DigitalOcean

Primary LanguageShell

These scripts use the DigitalOcean guides for Ubuntu 18.04 to setup a server with a sudo user, running Nginx + NodeJS with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, along with MongoDB (based on the official MongoDB installation guide)

Important: This code currently only runs when using subdomains. I haven't checked for normal domains yet.

Log into your server as root:
ssh root@<your-server-ip>
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Saunved/mean_setup.git


Perform the initial server setup. The script is written based on this guide:

cd mean_setup
chmod +x initial.sh
./initial.sh <user-name>
Enter the password and other details when prompted. When this step is over, you can remove the mean_setup folder.
cd ~
rm -rf mean_setup Exit from root


Log in as into your server
ssh <user-name>@<your-server-ip>
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Saunved/mean_setup.git cd mean_setup
chmod +x nginx.sh
sudo ./nginx.sh <your-domain-name>