
Android Example source code

Primary LanguageC++

1. Android Client Example

In this project Module App is contain android client example code. Python Server example you find from below link Server Example link Run the server in your PC and then run Android Client example in Mobile Both PC and mobile should be on same WiFi network for working of this example.

2. WorkManagerAndroidExample

WorkManger Example code in Android. WorkManager is a new way to perform background task in Android. What's the best way to do background work? See the below diagram

3. Alarm Manager Example

AlarmManger is a legacy API in Android Framework to perform background task on specific time without fail. What's the best way to do background work? See the below diagram

Background Work

4. Generate ANR Test App

I have added "anrtest" app to generate 3 different type of ANR in application. It will help you guys to debug ANR issue most easily. Use this app to generate ANR. Then Collect the logs (ANR trace, logcat logs, system logs) and analyse it. It will help you in ANR debugging. For collecting logs you can follow my blogs below i am adding app screenshot

5. Fill RAM Test application

I have added "fillram" app

  • to test device RAM size and current uses
  • by clicking "Fill Memory" button app start filling Device RAM with given rate (33 MB/10 sec)
  • Within few minute this app eat all your Device RAM and create LMK in Android BSP/Framework side
  • Once LMK triggered it kill all running app and services
  • This will be ideal case for your app behavior testing at low memory condition

Below i am adding app screenshot. Visit my blog [Blog] for more details.

6. Ping an IP Address in Android

Ping any given ap address using android API without rooting device.

 - Ping is a network utility used to test achievable of an IP address or a host
 - It can measure the packet trip time which is called latency

Below i am adding app screenshot. Visit my blog [Blog]for more details.