
It contains step by step explanation of some Big Data Analytics Experiments.


It contains step by step explanation of some Big Data Analytics Experiments which are listed below.

  • Hadoop Installation
  • Wordcount_Mapreduce_On SingleN_cluster
  • HIVE Installation and Configration + Query Processing on HDFS
  • Pig Script
  • Some Important Commands

    • sudo rm -r -f /usr/local/hadoop/
    • ---> Uninstall Hadoop
    • sudo apt install openssh-server
    • ---> Extra Command for Ubuntu 18.04
    • sudo rm -r -f /usr/local/hive/
    • ---> Uninstall Hive
    • lsb_release -a
    • ---> Know Ubuntu Version
    • start-all.sh
    • ---> To start Hadoop Service
    • hadoop fs -rm /user/hdoop/rawdata
    • ---> remove file from Hadoop system
    • hadoop fs -rmr /user/hdoop/sentimentalAnaylysis
    • ---> remove Directory/Folder from Hadoop system