
The Bus Management System is a JavaFX application designed to manage bus operations efficiently and improve customer service. It provides a comprehensive set of features for managing bus routes, schedules, reservations, and passenger information. The system is targeted towards bus operators, travel agencies, and transportation authorities.

Primary LanguageJava


Here is the detailed documentation for the Bus Management System project in JavaFX:

Project Name: Bus Management System

Platform: JavaFX


The Bus Management System is a JavaFX application designed to manage bus operations efficiently and improve customer service. It provides a comprehensive set of features for managing bus routes, schedules, reservations, and passenger information. The system is targeted towards bus operators, travel agencies, and transportation authorities.

Key Features:

Bus Route Management:

Add, edit, and delete bus routes. Define start and endpoint locations for each route. Specify the distance of each route. Manage other relevant route details. Bus Schedule Management:

Create and manage bus trip schedules. Specify departure and arrival times for each schedule. Set the frequency of each schedule. Assign the appropriate bus route to each schedule. Bus Reservation Management:

Book and manage bus reservations for passengers. Select the desired bus schedule for each reservation. Specify the number of seats to be reserved. Enter passenger details for each reservation. Reporting:

Generate reports on bus routes, schedules, and reservations. Gain insights into bus operations and passenger trends. Use reports for data-driven decision-making. User Interface:

The Bus Management System has a user-friendly interface designed with JavaFX, providing intuitive navigation and clear data presentation. The interface is divided into different modules, each representing a specific aspect of bus management. Each module has its own set of controls and menus for managing the corresponding data. Technology Stack:

JavaFX: JavaFX framework for building rich user interfaces. JavaFX Scene Builder: Rapid application development tool for JavaFX user interfaces. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): Connect to and interact with databases. MySQL: MySQL database for storing bus data. Project Structure:

The project is organized into several modules to maintain code organization and separation of concerns:

Bus Management Module: Handles bus routes, schedules, and reservations. Ticket Booking Module: Manages ticket booking and reservation processes. User Management Module: Manages user accounts and access permissions. Database Connection Module: Establishes database connections and data access methods. User Interface Module: Defines FXML layouts and controllers for user interactions. Data Model Module: Defines data models for entities in the system. Utility Classes: Provides utility functions for validation, scene transitions, and alerts. Database Connectivity:

The project utilizes JDBC to connect to a MySQL database for data storage and retrieval. A singleton instance of the DatabaseManager class manages database connections. Data Access Objects (DAOs) provide methods for interacting with database tables for specific entities. Transaction management ensures data integrity by using JDBC's transaction management features. Connection pooling improves performance by reusing JDBC connections from a pool. Target Users:

Bus Operators: Manage bus routes, schedules, reservations, and passenger information efficiently. Travel Agencies: Offer bus ticket booking and reservation services to their customers. Transportation Authorities: Oversee bus operations, manage passenger data, and generate reports. Overall, the Bus Management System in JavaFX provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing bus operations, enhancing customer service, and gaining insights through data analysis.