
The backend for the Book Management System supports CRUD operations, user authentication, and filtering by author and publication year.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book-Management Backend


The backend for the Book Management System supports CRUD operations, user authentication, and filtering by author and publication year.

Project Type


Deplolyed App

Directory Structure

- src/
  - Config/
    - db.js
  - Controllers/
    - user.controller.js
    - book.controller.js
  - Models/
    - book.model.js
    - user.model.js
  - index.js

Video Walkthrough of the project



  • Authentication
  • Protected Routes
  • CURD Operations

Installation & Getting started

clone the repo
npm install
nodemon index.js


- email - admin@gmail.com
- password - Admin@123

API Endpoints

- Server check ==> app/

🟢 Authentication :-

- Signup - /user/register

- GET - /user/login

🟢 CURD Products :-

- GET - /book/

- GET/ID - /book/:id

- POST - /book/

- PATCH - /book/edit/:id

- DELETE - /book/delete/:id

🟢 Queries :-

- Filter by Author name - /book?author=name

- Filter by publication year - /book?year=year

Technology Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose