Click on the link below to open the flashcard app:
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd AlmaBetter_Flashcard_Capstone_Project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
A flashcard generator web application created using ReactJs.
What is a flashcard?
A flashcard or flash card is a card bearing information on both sides, which is intended to be used as an aid in memorization.
It is also known as an index card.
The flashcard app contains mainly 3 pages:
1) Create Flashcard Page
2) My Flashcard Page
3) Flashcard Details Page
- This App allows the user to generate a flashcard.
- Users have to click on "Click New" to open a form for the creation of a new flashcard.
- Create Group input box is used to add the title.
- Add description is used to describe the flashcard.
- After that user has to add a new term and define the term.
- User can add more terms by clicking on "Add More".
- Finally to create the flashcard, click on create button.
Q. How to view the recently created flashcard?
- Click on "My Flashcard" to view the flashcard.
Q. How to view the card details?
- Open the "My Flashcard" page.
- Click on "View Card".
- Create a flashcard
- Add terms to that flashcard
- View all flashcards
- View the details of the selected flashcard
- Share your flashcard
React, Redux, TailwindCSS, React-Redux, Formik, React-Icons, React-Router-DOM
1) React - We have created this project using ReactJs and its dependencies.
2) Redux / React-Redux - We have used Redux for state management. React components read data from the redux store, and dispatch the actions to the store to update the app state.
3) Tailwind CSS - It is used for the styling of our web pages.
4) Formik - Formik is used to create forms for user input.
5) Formik library - For form validation and submission.
6) React-Icons - It is used to add icons to our project.
7) React-Router-DOM - The React-router-dom is used for navigating routes between different pages.
- Vivek Anand - @imvivekanand
- Saurabh Shetty - @Saurus9290
- Sumit Saurav - @Sumit021995
ReactJs, Javascript, HTML, CSS