
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book My Show

This is a full stack project on Book My Show.

Code for front-end is given in client folder. Code for back-end server is given in server folder.

This Project is live: server : "https://book-my-show.onrender.com" client : "https://bookmyshow-1acd3.web.app"

To run this project in local machine.

  1. Clone the repository, and run npm install for both client and server seperately, OR run npm run download in server directory. This will download all the dev dependencies required.
  2. Now run npm run dev in sever directory. This will start the server as well as client. Server will run at "http://localhost:8080". Client will run at "http://localhost:3000".

------------------------------------ Only For Client -------------------------------------------------------

How to use this WebApp.

  1. Start Backend Server.
  2. Run npm install to download dev dependencies.
  3. Now run npm start in terminal.
  4. Select Movie name.
  5. Select Time slot.
  6. Select No. of tickets of required rows.
  7. Now click book now. Your Movie will be booked.
  8. To know the last booking done see last booking section. If no movies are booked It will show no booking found. If Booked it will show last booking details.

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

--------------------------------------- Only For Server -------------------------------------------------

How to use this Node Server

  1. Clone the code from github and run npm install.
  2. To create database please install mongodb in local machine
  3. Now run index.js this will Start the Server or do npm start.
  4. Read the API documentation to know more about the api.

API Documentation :- https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/23147277/2s8YmNRNoA