Working remotely can be hard. But building social connections when working remotely is highly important. This could be quite challenging sometings: meeting new people that you don't communicate usually is a step out of the comfort zone. Cocoa makes this step a bit easier, now you can book a meeting with a new person to chat or to get help with your problem and this person could be anyone in your organization.
To add this bot to your server: ...
- Getting started
cocoapls setup
- Schedule a new meeting
cocoapls schedule new
- Check-out what meetings have been scheduled
cocoapls list meetings
- Cancel the schedualed meetigns
schedule cancel
- Delete yourself from the database
cocoapls delete me
- Integrate with google meet or other services for setting up meetings
- Add more commands and options like reacting with a sticker for a specific action.
For Cocoa we used Python 3 and the pubic API for Discord and also ProgreSQL for the dabase and SQL Alchemy for working with the database.
- As in many hackathons the main challange we the time restriction. Building something meaningful in this short period of time while also dealing with other responsabilites that we have such as univeristy exams and laboratories was a real challenge.
- Focusing on the main features and not being too adventurous.
- Desingning the architecture while not knowing the whole posibilites of the Discord API, as we didn't have too much experience with it.
- Creating a MVP in this minimal amount of time.
- Following the best practices for the Git and Github
- Being a great team and how fast we started helping each other in order to do more.
- Creating a clean backend architecture
- Working with Discord API
- Working with ProgreSQL and SQL Alchemy
- Best practices for Clean code and Public API