
Tmux custom config with description how to use it on windows(wsl2), linux(ubuntu 18.04), macos(catalina)

Tmux custom config

Main problem it often depends on the terminal how sequences are interpreted

Controll Sequences

Meta key can be differen on differen systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code

modifier keys


pleas note zsh doesn't have all control sequences definied as writtin in xterm "alt needs to be made to meta-key"

The following controll seqences need to be added in preferences > Tastertur ref.:https://www.xfree86.org/current/ctlseqs.html

shift-left ^[[2D
meta-shift-left ^[[4D

shift-right ^[[2C
meta-shift-right ^[[4C

shift-up ^[[2A
meta-shift-up ^[[4A

shift-down ^[[2B
meta-shift-down ^[[4B