
Python script to generate a Steam Rom Manager manifest file from Windows games installed with itch.io on Linux and optionally a second directory of Windows games from anywhere!

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Python script to generate a Steam Rom Manager manifest file from Windows games installed with itch.io on Linux and optionally a second directory of Windows games from anywhere!


Firstly you'll want to create a folder to store all your Windows games. This is optional if you are only parsing games installed from the itch.io client. When the script asks for the Windows directory just click cancel.

mkdir -p ~/Games/Windows

Now download and extract all your games to this folder making sure to give each games folder a nice name Steam Rom Manager can parse.

Secondly, we need to install pip

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

And finally clone, install and run the script.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/SavageCore/steamrommanager-manifest-generator.git
cd steamrommanager-manifest-generator
~/.local/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python parse.py

You will be asked for the itch.io apps directory which should auto-populate so just click enter, then either choose Windows directory or click close.


cd ~/steamrommanager-manifest-generator
git pull
~/.local/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

On Steam Deck

For this to work on Steam Deck we must trick the itch.io client into thinking we have non-flatpak Wine and thus offering the choice to install Windows games. Run the following commands:

flatpak install -y org.winehq.Wine
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cat <<EOF > ~/.local/bin/wine
exec flatpak run org.winehq.Wine $*
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/wine
sed -i.bak ~/.local/share/applications/io.itch.itch.desktop -e 's!^Exec=\(~/.itch/itch.*\)!Exec=sh -c "PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH \1"!'

Once that's done create a new parser within Steam Rom Manager of type Manual and set the Manifests Directory to ~/steamrommanager-manifest-generator/manifests