Validators analysis


Installation and startup

  1. Clone the repo:
$ git clone
  1. Go to the cloned repo:
$ cd validators-investigation
  1. Set NODE_HOST, NODE_PORT and THREADS in .env file.

NODE_HOST is the IP address of cyberd node. The best option if you run cyberd node at the same machine. In this case set

NODE_PORT is the RPC port of your node. If you run cyberd node from docker you can get port from docker ps command output. By default 26657

THREADS the number of parallel threads of indexing. Default 4.

  1. To run containers, use a command:
$ docker-compose up --build

the pulling and installation may required 10-15 minutes depends on your internet connection

This command will start crawler and prepare the notebook with calculations. To see the table with validators' balances and explanatory calculations, click this link: http://localhost:8888/notebooks/balances.ipynb.

The token will be requested, it can be found in the output of docker-compose command:

[I 00:15:36.448 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
notebook_1  | [C 00:15:36.448 NotebookApp] 
notebook_1  |     
notebook_1  |     Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
notebook_1  |     to login with a token:
notebook_1  |         http://(m-Inspiron-7577 or

The crawler may index blocks 6-10 hours if cyberd runs on the localhost.

  1. Optionally you can run jupiter notebook separately. Go to validators-investigation/data/notebook and run jupyter-notebook (jupyter-notebook should be installed)

  2. Follow steps in the balances.ipynb