$mod = Meta
$mod+Return = open kitty terminal
$mod+n = dropdown kitty (need https://pypi.org/project/kitti3/)
$mod+Shift+q = kill current window
$mod+d = dmenu like (rofi)
$mod+Left = focus window left
$mod+Right = focus window right
$mod+Up = focus window up
$mod+Down = focus window down
$mod+Shift+Left = move window left
$mod+Shift+Down = move window down
$mod+Shift+Up = move window up
$mod+Shift+Right = move window right
$mod+h = split next window in horizontal orientation
$mod+v = split next window in vertical orientation
$mod+s = change layout to stacking
$mod+w = change layout to tabbed
$mod+e = toggle splited layout
$mod+f = fullscreen toggle
$mod+Shift+space = toggle floating window
$mod+space = toggle focus on floating window/ tiling window
$mod+a = select parent container (parent of window layout)
$mod+1 = workspace 1
$mod+9 = workspace 9
$mod+Shift+1 = move window to workspace 1
$mod+Shift+9 = move window to workspace 9
$mod+Shift+c = reload config file
$mod+Shift+r = restart i3 inplace
$mod+Shift+e = exit xsession
$mod+r = enter window resize mode
- $mod+Left = grow window to left
- $mod+Right = grow window to right
- $mod+Up = grow window to up
- $mod+Down = grow window to down
- $mod+r = exit resize mode
$Control+Shift+e = enable autolock (enabled by default)
$Control+Shift+d = disable autolock
Print = worspace screenshot to /home/$USER/Pictures/$(date).png
$mod+Print = window screenshot to /home/$user/pictures/$(date).png
Shift+Print = select what to screenshot to /home/$user/pictures/$(date).png
Control+Print = worspace screenshot to clipboard
Control+$mod+Print = window screenshot to clipboard
Control+Shift+Print = select what to screenshot to clipboard
choose random image in $HOME/.local/share/wallpaper/
use yadm
# yadm clone https://github.com/Saverio976/dotfiles.git
yadm clone https://git.kreog.com/Saverio976/dotfiles.git
curl -fLo /tmp/yadm https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/raw/master/yadm && \
chmod a+x /tmp/yadm && \
/tmp/yadm clone https://github.com/Saverio976/dotfiles.git
pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_01_00.1.hdmi-stereo
pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of eDP1
xrandr --auto
gpg --export-secret-key KEY_ID > file
gpg --import file
fc-cache -f -v
envycontrol --switch {hybrid,nvidia,integrated}
- ananicy-cpp
- gcc
- fd
- ripgrep
- make
- cmake
- unzip
- git
- neovim
- kitty
- i3lock
- i3status
- rofi
- maim
- paru
- podman
- podman-docker
- proton-ge-custom-bin
- thermald
- power-profiles-daemon
- python
- python-pip
- shellcheck-bin
- wine
- winetricks
- profile-sync-daemon
- anything-sync-daemon
- heroic-games-launcher-bin