
in spare time, what else could i do ?

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

(my) TinyLibC

just some basic functions (and why not, some non basic)


Makefile Check

github repo


docs headers

all func/macro


  • using list ./examples/readme.c
#include "tlcllists.h"
#include "tlcstrings.h"
#include "tlcutils.h"
#include "tlcstdios.h"

int main(int ac, const char *av[])
    list_t *list = list_create();

    x_puts("Hewwo fwiends!!", true);
    for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++) {
        list = list_append(list, x_strdup(av[i]), &free_ifnotnull, NULL);
    // Now, you have a list of av
    for (L_EACH(x, list)) { // for each node named x in the list list
        // do something with x
        // more function and macro to
        // https://saverio976.github.io/tinylibc/d8/d07/tlcllists_8h.html
        x_printf("av[%d] = %s\n", list_find_ptrnode(list, x), L_DATA(x));
    return (0);
gcc examples/readme.c -Iincludes/ -L. -ltinylibc


git clone https://github.com/Saverio976/tinylibc.git
cd tinylibc



this will output the file libtinylibc.a

object are compiled to obj folder (and makefile dont relink !!!) (i'm proud of that xD)

Use it

compile your c code (change value of CC to your c compiler and PATHTINYLIBC to the right value):

export CC=gcc
export PATHTINYLIBC=path/where/libtinylibc.a/is/
$CC -L $PATHTINYLIBC -ltinylibc -I $PATHTINYLIBC/includes


there is rule in the makefile that remove some files uneeded for use only:

make release