Buizel PNGTuber

A Buizel PNGTuber for use with veadotube mini.


Now you get to experience what it's like being a Buizel online.

Check out this overview video to see it in action.

Setting up

Just open the .veadomini file with veadotube.



With the default control scheme, these are the available expressions. Of course, feel free to adjust as you wish.

Sticky Neutral Poses

With these poses, you will stay in them until you pick another pose.

  • q Neutral
  • w Neutral (looking at camera)
  • e Look left (forwards)
  • r Look right (behind)
  • t Look right (turn around)

Temporary Expressive Poses

With these poses, you will only stay in them while you have the key pressed. After letting go, you will return to the last sticky pose you were in.

  • a Happy
  • s Waving
  • d Relaxed
  • f Sad
  • g Really Sad
  • h Angry
  • j Surprised

Sticky Expressive Poses

With these poses, you will stay in them until you pick another pose.

  • z Presentation Mode
  • x Presentation Mode (looking at camera)
  • c Thinking
  • v Shrugging


Add specific scenarios like drawing and gaming.