KZG Ceremony client with all the features you never wanted;
- ✅ 200% more un-maintainable code
- ✅ Streamlined with no tests or documentation to bog you down
- ✅ Almost 20mb of pure html, css, javascript and WASM. Fun for the whole family!
- ✅ Golang WASM single threaded monster that compiles with everything including the kitchen sink
- ✅ Music that can't be turned off
- ✅ Tested on at least one device (and it ran!)
- ✅ A plot no one ever asked for
- All the people working on the ceremony
- Entropy gathering from zkparty/trusted-setup-frontend
- Entropy utils from paulmillr noble-hashes
- WASM computational code from;
- jsign/go-kzg-ceremony-client
- ConsenSys/gnark-crypto
- Savid/go-kzg-ceremony-wasm-clien (jsign/go-kzg-ceremony-client WASM wrapper)
- Nyan movement and animation inspired by Lukas238 gist
- Audio from jAyMaC
- Fonts from doge sans and quinquefive
- 8Bit buttons MatthewShields