This is a Laptop shop named 'Laptop Land'. Here you can find laptop from different brands. this is a MERN project and there are two parts of this project.
- User part and 2. Admin part.
User part
- User should have an user account for order laptop. Here user create account by his/her gmail or email address.
- User has 'add to cart' option and he/she also can book laptop for home delivery.
- User can search from laptop page.
- User can add review also can see his/her cart and booking information.
- User can cancel order from booking and cart section.
- User can pay money and also can see payment history.
Admin part
- Admin also should have an account.
- Admin can see all user's information and he/she can remove an user if necessary.
- Admin can add new laptop information.
- Admin can edit laptop information and also can remove laptop information.
- Admin can delete an user's review if necessary.
I try to make every page in this project full responsive. These are all about the project. Thank you!
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