
Bookmarks saving and sharing app for Android (with Firebase)

Primary LanguageJava

Easy Bookmarks


Easy bookmarks is an Android app I developed for the last project of the Android Developer Nanodegree course.

The user an user can save and tag its bookmarks and take a look at what other people bookmarked too. My aim was to create an app that could be used as an example for the integration of many cool libraries (I'd like to write some posts about them in the future).

The main API I used are:

  • Google Sign-up for user identification
  • Firebase for storing and sync data and managing user authorizations
  • JSoup for extracting info from URLs

I also implemented a lot of cool stuff from libraries found on GitHub:

Also, thanks to Google for support:appcompat, support:design, shared elements transactions... and everything else

About the FAB

I tried to imitate Inbox's Floating Action Button in Easy Bookmarks, this is the result:

You can take a look at this Gist to see how to make Clans.Fab work inside a Coordinator Layout.