
RedShiftLabs XML SVD description for sensor boards

Primary LanguagePython


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About this repo

This repo holds the SVD description of the Redshift Labs Pty Ltd UM7, UM8, and shearwater register maps and the tools to work with this description.

The repo overview:

What is SVD and why we use it

For the um7, um8, shearwater boards we use the SVD-like peripheral description format to describe the register map. The SVD (or System View Description) is a standard way used by ARM in CMSIS (Arm Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Stardard) to describe the memory mapped registers of peripherals. The advantage of using such a description (against our re-invented one) that when the description is compliant with the SVD schema, we can benefit from the existing tools to generate the C-defines/C-structs from the SVD description, essentially using such description as a live data sheet for the user.

SVD Format Basics

SVD format essentially describes the register map, which essentially a user interface for the sensor.

Each register comprises of the following elements:

  • name: register name as from the register map;
  • description: register description summary;
  • access: one of read-only / write-only / read-write access type;
  • address: address of register in a device (in RedshiftLabs Pty Ltd boards the 4-byte words are addressable, not single bytes, e.g. first 4-byte register has address 0, second 4-byte register has address 1, etc.);
  • fields: a set of register fields.

Each field in the register includes the following information:

  • name: field name as from the register map;
  • description: field description text;
  • bit_range: start and end bit positions, e.g. [0,7] is 8-bit wide field, [1,1] is 1-bit field;
  • data_type: one of bitField / uint8_t / int8_t / uint16_t / int16_t / uint32_t / int32_t / float / string. The bitField type used for fields that hold arbitrary-bit size settings (usually as enums), and cannot be interpreted as c-types, the string is a 4-character content, which denotes code;
  • access: one of read-only / write-only / read-write access type;
  • enumerated_values: values for enums of type bitField;

Each entry in the enumerated_values consists of:

  • name: is the actual setting of the enum, e.g. "10_hz", name should not include spaces or special characters, as it is used in the code generation;
  • description: description of this setting (e.g. "10 Hz transmission rate");
  • value: is an actual bit value, which shall be written in the register.

Our SVD extensions

We extended the SVD schema to hold additional information about the data type for each field, e.g. DREG_GYRO_1_RAW_XY hold two fields GYRO_1_RAW_X and GYRO_1_RAW_Y each of type int16_t.

More on SVD

The SVD is essentially XML description of the peripherals, the details can be found here.

We also provide description of the SVD tools from arm in the svd how-to page.


Dr. Konstantin Selyunin, for suggestions / questions / comments please contact: selyunin [dot] k [dot] v [at] gmail [dot] com