
A Job System written in c++20 to manage a multithreaded application

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build and Test Workflow


A Job System written in c++20 to create and manage multithreaded application. (Specifically my own Game Engine but you know...)


Currently, the engine has no dependency other than the C++ 20 standard library. You will need to use CMake to test the exe or link the library. (Or just get the sources from the folder Todo/ to fit any build system)


Using the cmake option TODO_LOG will add a console logger (using std::cout) to the library.

You can supply your own using Todo::Logger::SetupLogger and providing a raw function pointer (void (*/*variable_name*/)(std::source_location, Clock::time_point, LogType, std::string)) to the library.

Disabling the option and not providing any loader will effectivly disable the LOG, but still keep a check as there could be a logger.

To entirely disable the log enable the option TODO_DISABLE_LOG.


There will be example of way to use the project with severals executable in the folder Examples/ (use the Cmake option TODO_EXAMPLES)


There are CTests (using Google Tests) available in the folder Tests/ (use the Cmake option TODO_TESTS)

/!\ WARNING /!\

This project is my first multithreaded project. It will serve my own purpose and other but is also mainly a way for me to learn how to handle multithreading.