This is Insure my team fronend developer assignment
Project: Blogging Website
an Blog Writeing Website ..
In this project I have tried to make a Blogging Website. With all the efforts and the technology stack, that I have learned till now in the masai school.
##Run the application in localy
npm run dev //frontend
# and
npm run start //backend
- JavaScript
- NextJS
- Moongose
- Chakra-Ui
- Express
- MongoDB
- Reader can view the peginated blogs
- After login Author can view the blog (in singlepage) as well,and can create and post any blog ,also user can edit and delete his own blog,
- Author can leave a comment in any blog with his and blog id
- Reader and Author both can search the specific blog (one string search) ,for the bug this features is hidden fron frontend
- when the Author logout he becames reader.
This is the landing-page(Homepage) This is the Login Modal without login a reader cannot post any blog (Private routes works here) This is Profile page after login it's will show the email and all the posted blog details This is the blog write page where authenticated user can post This is the Comment modal where each user leave a comment
In this project i tried to achieve all the functionality we see on a Blog Website. This entire journey of has given me experiences and I have learned lots of things by applying to the real website and it gave us a lot of confidence. Need To be Improved:Add the Admin page && working search๐
- ๐ค Sayan Ghosh๐งฟ