TECH-STACKS: Frontend: ReactJs and ChakraUI APIs: CoinGekos, EtherJs and Etherscan free APIs Backend: Firebase

FEATURES: Google Auth for registering users on the application HomePage consists of a table of various coins and information on it like changes in their value and market cap CoinPage provides the historical data of the coin Coins can be added to the watchlist. The watchlist page has a carousel to display trending coins ProfilePage can be used for updating wallet address and token transfer The allowance page shows the information on all smart contracts

WORKING: The coin List, information on the coin, and historical data are fetched using CoinGeko APIS. Google Auth, wallet address storing, and watchlist are done by using Firebase Etherscan, etherjs are used for interacting with Metamask


  1. Git clone the repository.
  2. In the root directory execute: npm install
  3. To run the site: npm start

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