Hello there,

I'm Joshith Reddy Gopidi.

Sophomore CS Undergrad, Developer, Designer and an avid learner.

  • 👋 I am Currently learning Backend Web-dev and UI/UX designing
  • 🌐 I am Exploring Open source projects while building on Web-Dev and Python.
  • 💭 I am always up for hackathons, Lets git it done !
  • 💬 Ask me about Frontend Web-Dev and Figma Designing :)
  • ⚡ Fun fact : I love networking and meeting new people !
Joshith's Github stats

🍁 My Skill stack :

Web-Dev HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap
Languages C++ Python MySQL
Tools VS Code Git Heroku Vercel Next.js Flask Figma Adobe Illustrator

You can connect with me from here 📧:

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