PhD thesis

This repo contains source files for my PhD thesis titled, "Visualization and analysis of probability distributions of large temporal data", at Monash University. The pdf can be found here and html can be found here.


Clone with git-lfs

Since this repo contains large data files (>= 50MB), you need to first download and install a git plugin called git-lfs for versioning large files, and set up Git LFS using command git lfs install in Terminal, in order to fully clone this repo.


The environment and R packages used to construct this thesis can be recovered using the renv package. Run the following code to install the packages used in this thesis:

# install.packages("renv")

The thesis can be compiled into both html and pdf format. Run the following codes in the terminal:

Rscript --quiet _render.R "bookdown::pdf_book"
Rscript --quiet _render.R "bookdown::gitbook"


  • Rmd/: R Markdown source documents for thesis document.
  • scripts/: R code to reproduce tables, figures and analysis.
  • data/: Cleaned data used for thesis document.
  • data-raw/: R code to generate data in data/.
  • img/: Images made with other tools to illustrate ideas.
  • bib/: Bibliography files.
  • template/: Monash thesis template from robjhydman/MonashThesis.


This work is licensed under a CC BY NC SA 4.0. The code contained in this work is available under the MIT license.


Thank you for creating this excellent reproducible thesis template, Earo Wang.