Hi, My name is Sidharth Sethi

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on - Personal Growth
  • 🌱 Languages use - C, C++, Python, SQL, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with - Open Source Projects
  • 💬 Ask me about - Nothing xD
  • 🥅 2022 Goal - 365 days of LeetCode
  • âš¡ Fun fact - Gamer
  • âš’ Past Work - CrossWoC, GSSoC, HacktoberFest, Various Hackathons

Sidharth Sethi's Dev Card

Github Stats

Sidharth's github stats

Technical Skills 🛠

C C++ Python Flask Java HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript BootStrap MySQL SQLite Jupyter Git Google Cloud VS Code MarkDown

GitHub activity graph


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