
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Donation to Educator dApp -- from Creation to Deployment

In this tutorial, we will create, test, and deploy a smart contract called Donation. This contract will allow online educators to receive donations for the free content they provide.


  1. Open the terminal (command line), create two new folders called donation-to-educator and backend. Go into the backend folder.
mkdir donation-to-educator
cd donation-to-educator
mkdir backend
cd backend
  1. Set up a Hardhat project. Install the necessary libraries, by typing in the terminal:
npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
npm install dotenv
  1. This library might be necessary to install as well, especially if you're a Windows user.
npm install --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
  1. Make sure you are still in the backend directory. Now, create a sample contract project by typing in the terminal:
npx hardhat
  • Select Create a Javascript Project. Don't change anything in the Hardhat project root, just click enter. Yes, add a .gitignore.
  1. Open the backend folder and remove any present contracts inside the contracts folder. Insert your Donation contract.

6. Now, inside the scripts folder, replace the contect of the deploy.js file with the deploy.js code from this project.

  1. Create a .env file inside the backend folder. This will be used to store your wallet key and your Quicknode endpoint. A QuickNode API endpoint gives you quick access to a network of nodes.

Add these two lines inside the .env file, and update the content inside the quotation marks:


8. Open the hardhat.config.js file inside the backend folder and replace its content with the hardhat.config.js code from this project.

  1. Compile your Contract by going back to your terminal (ensure you are in the backend directory). And type:
npx hardhat compile
  • Every time you modify your contract (Donation), you will have to repeat the above compile step.
  1. With your contract compiled, now we can deploy it to the sepolia testnet. In your terminal type:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

Save the contract address that was printed out. Go to https://sepolia.etherscan.io/ and insert the contract address into the Explorer input field. Take some time to explore the transaction details of your contract.

  • Save this address somewhere. Don't lose it!


Every Contract should be tested before deployment. Here we deployed first becuause it's freaking exciting to see our contract deployed and because we're using a testnet.

1. Open the test folder and remove any present files inside of it. Create a new file called testing.js, and insert the testing.js code from this project.

  1. Go back to the terminal, make sure you're in the backend directory, and type:
npx hardhat test
