Face Recognition Ultra Light

The light-weight ROS face recognition package based on Python3. A module of SMARTBat.


  • Install ROS melodic
  • astra_camera, we used stereo_s_u3 by default
  • Install python packages, you might need to upgrade your pip version at first
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Emotion Detection over mqtt

  • run roslaunch face_recognition_ultra_light face_recognition_ultra_light.launch
  • rosrun face_recognition_ultra_light mqtt_emotion_subscriber.py to receive emotions from the publisher
    • or run python3 mqtt_emotion_subscriber.py located in face_recognition_ultra_light/scripts
    • we use mqtt not ros since the special situation under COVID-19 quarantine

Face Training

  • To add training data, you can use faces/recorder.py
    cd faces
    python3 recorder.py
    To quit the program, press q
  • After having a video for training, you should move it to faces/training/<name>/<name>.avi
  • Then run python3 training.py to create your model
  • Finally you can run the launch file
    roslaunch face_recognition_ultra_light face_recognition_ultra_light.launch

RQt Graph

