
UCI chess engine, with NNUE trained from zero knowledge

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GitHub release (latest by date) Commits since latest release

LGBTQ+ friendly trans rights

a work-in-progress UCI chess and chess960 engine, with NNUE evaluation trained from zero knowledge starting with random weights

this project is a continuation of my HCE engine Polaris


Version CCRL 40/15 CCRL Blitz CCRL 40/2 FRC SPCC MCERL
1.0.0 3268 3361 3513 3343 3342


  • standard PVS with quiescence search and iterative deepening
    • aspiration windows
    • check extensions
    • countermoves
    • futility pruning
    • history
      • capture history
      • countermove history (1-ply continuation history)
      • follow-up history (2-ply continuation history)
    • internal iterative reduction
    • killers (1 per ply)
    • late move reductions
    • mate distance pruning
    • multicut
    • nullmove pruning
    • reverse futility pruning
    • SEE move ordering and pruning
    • singular extensions
    • Syzygy tablebase support
  • NNUE
    • (768->384)x2->1 architecture
    • trained from zero knowledge with reinforcement learning from a randomly-initialised network
  • BMI2 attacks in the bmi2 build, otherwise fancy black magic
    • pext/pdep for rooks
    • pext for bishops
  • lazy SMP


  • tune search constants
  • contempt
  • make it stronger uwu

UCI options

Name Type Default value Valid values Description
Hash integer 64 [1, 131072] Memory allocated to the transposition table (in MB). Rounded down internally to the next-lowest power of 2.
Clear Hash button N/A N/A Clears the transposition table.
Threads integer 1 [1, 2048] Number of threads used to search.
UCI_Chess960 check false false, true Whether Stormphrax plays Chess960 instead of standard chess.
UCI_ShowWDL check true false, true Whether Stormphrax displays predicted win/draw/loss probabilities in UCI output.
Move Overhead integer 10 [0, 50000] Amount of time Stormphrax assumes to be lost to overhead when making a move (in ms).
SyzygyPath string <empty> any path, or <empty> Location of Syzygy tablebases to probe during search.
SyzygyProbeDepth spin 1 [1, 255] Minimum depth to probe Syzygy tablebases at.
SyzygyProbeLimit spin 7 [0, 7] Maximum number of pieces on the board to probe Syzygy tablebases with.
EvalFile string <internal> any path, or <internal> NNUE file to use for evaluation.


avx512: requires AVX-512 (Zen 4, Skylake-X)
avx2-bmi2: requires BMI2 and AVX2 and assumes fast pext and pdep (i.e. no Zen 1 and 2)
avx2: requires BMI and AVX2 - primarily useful for pre-Zen 3 AMD CPUs back to Excavator
popcnt: just needs popcnt - for older x64 CPUs

Alternatively, build the CMake target stormphrax-native for a binary tuned for your specific CPU (see below)
(note that this does not automatically disable pext and pdep for pre-Zen 3 AMD CPUs that implement them in microcode)


  • If you have an AMD Zen 1 (Ryzen x 1xxx) or 2 (Ryzen x 2xxx) CPU, use the avx2 build even though your CPU supports BMI2. These CPUs implement the BMI2 instructions pext and pdep in microcode, which makes them unusably slow for Stormphrax's purposes.
  • Builds other than bmi2 are untested and might crash on CPUs lacking newer instructions; I don't have older hardware to test them on.


The makefile is not intended for building by users. It exists purely for OpenBench compliance.
Requires CMake and a competent C++20 compiler (tested with Clang 15 and 16 on Windows, GCC 11 and Clang 15 and 16 on Linux, and Apple Clang 14 on macOS on Apple Silicon)

> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B build/
> cmake --build build/ --target stormphrax-<TARGET>

(replace <TARGET> with your preferred target - native/bmi2/modern/popcnt/compat)

If you have a pre-Zen 3 AMD Ryzen CPU (see the notes in Builds above) and want to build the native target, use these commands instead (the second is unchanged):

> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSP_FAST_PEXT=OFF -S . -B build/
> cmake --build build/ --target stormphrax-native

Disabling the CMake option SP_FAST_PEXT builds the non-BMI2 attack getters.


Stormphrax uses Fathom for tablebase probing, licensed under the MIT license, and a slightly modified version of incbin for embedding neural network files, under the Unlicense.

The name "Stormphrax" is a reference to the excellent Edge Chronicles :)