
This repository is a collaborative work , We had to "Write the prinf function" in C for Holberton School

Primary LanguageC

Write our own _printf

Theory and Practice

  • Stéphanie Metche Serpault Directrice Holberton School Toulouse at Salon de l Etudiant with

  • Nicolas Bouté

  • Siham Badyine



This project _printf function in C, is our first collaborative work in programming at Holberton School.

It will permit us to understand well variadic functions in C.

Our secret for the _printf project is a well-structured departure We have solved problems before start coding to know exactly what are we going to code.

Then, start coding this project on the way Paris/Toulouse the 11th of March 2022 In the train for reach, le "Salon de l'etudiant 2022 " to represent Holberton School and share our passion with futur students visiting the Salon Studyrama.


First of all, we drawn a flowchart This allows us for a more global vision and to record tasks more quickly



Those are the format identifiers needed to write:

% type
%c character
%s string
%p pointer
%d decimal signed integer
%i integer
%u unsigned integer
%x hex integer (lowercase)
%X hex integer (uppercase)
%% just the %

We handle in this project

--- the flags: --- the field width --- the precision --- the length modifiers --- and custom conversion specifiers


Decimal to hexadecimal conversion



Have a look at our documentation Feel free to clone or fork this repository, if you have any problem you can contact us.

Learn more

write in your terminal $ man 3 printf.


Nicolas Bouté
Siham B.

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