
Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

How To Use

Direct using by terminal of PostgreSQL service

# Let suppose the app are installed to /home/ directory
cd /home/fias/
# Run terminal of PostgreSQL
docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml exec fias \
    psql -U postgres -d fias -w

Using by connect to PostgreSQL service placed inside container

  • Adjust port of PostgreSQL service outside of container by edit the docker-compose.yml, at section ports define external port
  • Run container by command 'sh ./run.sh'
  • Connect to PostgreSQL service to ip with early defined external port, with username postgres and empty password
  • Use and enjoy address base of FIAS 😀

How To Install

git clone https://github.com/SbWereWolf/fias.git

# Let suppose the base are downloaded to /opt/ directory
time unzip /opt/fias_dbf.zip -d ./fias/fs/home/fias/base/ \
    && time find ./fias/fs/home/fias/base/ -type f -regextype posix-awk \
    -regex ".*\/(STEAD|NORDOC)([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\.DBF$" -exec rm {} \;

cd fias
chmod +x ./install.sh && ./install.sh
# at this point we can edit docker-compose.yml
time bash ./run.sh && time bash ./deploy.sh

How to Update

# Let suppose the app are installed to /home/ directory
cd /home/fias/
bash ./run.sh

# Purge destination directory before unzip update archive
rm -rf ./fs/home/fias/update/*
# Let suppose the update are downloaded to /opt/ directory
time unzip /opt/fias_delta_dbf.zip -d ./fs/home/fias/update/ \
    && time find ./fs/home/fias/update/ -type f -regextype posix-awk \
    -regex ".*\/(STEAD|NORDOC)([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\.DBF$" -exec rm {} \;

time bash ./update.sh