
Videos for Wagtail CMS, including transcoding

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Based on wagtailimages. The aim was to have feature parity with images but for html5 videos. Includes the ability to transcode videos to a html5 compliant codec using ffmpeg.



Install using pypi

pip install wagtailvideos


On a page model:

Implement as a ForeignKey relation, same as wagtailimages.

from django.db import models

from wagtail.wagtailadmin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel
from wagtail.wagtailcore.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.wagtailcore.models import Page

from wagtailvideos.edit_handlers import VideoChooserPanel

class HomePage(Page):
    body = RichtextField()
    header_video = models.ForeignKey('wagtailvideos.Video',

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [

In template:

The video template tag takes one required postitional argument, a video field. All extra attributes are added to the surrounding <video> tag. The original video and all extra transcodes are added as <source> tags.

{% load wagtailvideos_tags %}
{% video self.header_video autoplay controls width=256 %}

How to transcode using ffmpeg:

Using the video collection manager from the left hand menu. In the video editing section you can see the available transcodes and a form that can be used to create new transcodes. It is assumed that your compiled version of ffmpeg has the matching codec libraries required for the transcode.

Future features

  • Richtext embed
  • Streamfield block
  • Transcoding via amazon service rather than ffmpeg
  • Wagtail homescreen video count