
Unofficial mirror of NITSOL library

Primary LanguageFortran

This directory contains source code for the NITSOL package, some
auxiliary software, and several example applications.

Building NITSOL

If you are the impatient type and just want to get on with it, just


to build the package and several example codes.  If you want to find
out more about the make options, type

     make help

NITSOL Documentation

Currently documentation for using NITSOL may be found in comments at
the beginning of each source code file.  See in particular the
comments in nitsol.f.  A more extensive user guide is planned.

Source code Directories:

Nitsol - source code for the NITSOL package:
      nitbd.f    nitbt.f    nitdrv.f   nitgm.f
      nitjv.f    nitsol.f   nitstb.f   nittfq.f

In addition, several header files contain global declarations and
      nitdflts.h   nitinfo.h   nitparam.h   nitprint.h

Lapack - source code for LAPACK routines needed by NITSOL:
      dlaic1.f dlamch.f 

This subset of LAPACK is provided just for convenience.  We recommend
that you link to a local installation of the library archive.  This
may be done by modifying the Makefile in this directory to change the
definition of the LAPACK macro.  Depending on the local installation,
you might be able to link with the local installation of LAPACK by

   LAPACK = -llapack

in the Makefile.  At some installations the LAPACK library archive may
be in a directory that is not among the default search paths, or the
name of the library archive may not conform to the usual UNIX archive
naming convention.  Consult your local system administrator for the
appropriate information.

Blas - source code for BLAS routines needed by NITSOL:
      daxpy.f    dcopy.f    ddot.f     dnrm2.f    dscal.f    dswap.f

This subset of BLAS is provided just for convenience.  We recommend
that you link to a local installation of the library archive.  This
may be done by modifying the Makefile in this directory to change the
definition of the BLAS macro.  Depending on the local installation,
you might be able to link with the local installation of LAPACK by

   BLAS = -lblas

in the Makefile.  At some installations the BLAS library archive may
be in a location that is not among the default search paths, or the
name of the library archive may not conform to the usual UNIX archive
naming convention.  Consult your local system administrator for the
appropriate information.

If you are successful in linking to a local installation of LAPACK
and/or BLAS, remember to remove the dependencies on lapack_lib and/or
blas_lib from the Makefile to avoid unnecessary recompilations.

Application directories:

Several sample applications are provided to illustrate the use of
NITSOL and to check the installation.  Each is in its own directory:

Bratu      - generalized Bratu problem
Cavity     - flow in driven cavity problem (OLD driver)
Pormed     - flow in porous media (steady-state version)

To build:  The applications each have a specific target name:
      Bratu      - bratu
      Cavity     - cavity
      Pormed     - pormed

To build an application, merely type "make <application>".  The
Makefile will automatically check whether the NITSOL library should be
built, then compiles the files needed for the requested application.

Checking the installation:

The following output from the three sample applications is provided to
facilitate checking the installation.  The output was obtained on an
SGI Indy equipped with an R4600 microprocessor.  (In the following "%"
is the generic UNIX command prompt).

% bratu
  Type problem parameters nx, d, lambda:
63 32. 8.
 Type ikrysl, irpre (0-1), and ijacv (0-1):
ikrysl = 0 => GMRES
         1 => BiCGSTAB
         2 => TFQMR
irpre  = 0 => no right preconditioning
         1 => right preconditioning
ijacv  = 0 => finite-difference J*v
         1 => analytic J*v
0 1 1
  Type maximum Krylov subspace dimension:
  Choice of forcing term:
 Type iplvl (informational printout level), and ipunit (printout unit):
 iplvl = 0 => no printout, 
       = 1 => iteration number and F-norm, 
       = 2 => ... + stats, step-norm, lin model norm,
       = 3 => ... + some Krylov method and backtrack info.
       = 4 => ... + more Krylov method and backtrack info.
1 6

 Solve generalized Bratu problem using Newton-GMRES   
        GMRES restart value:   50
 Use Choice 1 for forcing term
 Preconditioner is a fast Poisson solver
 Use analytic J*v evaluations
 Problem parameters:
     nx:  63      n:     3969       d: 3.20E+01 lambda:8.00E+00
 ftol: 1.23E-07                stptol: 1.00E-06
 Initial f-norm:               1.230E-01

 nitdrv:  Beginning nonlinear iterations.

    It. no.   0      F norm =   1.230D-01

    It. no.   1      F norm =   5.187D-02

    It. no.   2      F norm =   1.663D-02

    It. no.   3      F norm =   2.054D-03

    It. no.   4      F norm =   7.175D-08

 nitdrv:  Terminating nonlinear iterations.

 Termination flag iterm:               0
 Final f-norm:                     7.175E-08
 No. function evaluations:             5
 No. J*v evaluations:                 41
 No. P(inverse)*v evaluations:        45
 No. linear iterations:               41
 No. nonlinear iterations:             4
 No. backtracks:                       0
  To go, type 0; to stop, type 1:

% cavity
  Type problem parameters nx, Re (Reynold's number): 
63 1000
 Type ikrysl, irpre (0-1), and ijacv (0-1):
ikrysl = 0 => GMRES
         1 => BiCGSTAB
         2 => TFQMR
irpre  = 0 => no right preconditioning
         1 => right preconditioning
0 1
  Type kdmax = maximum Krylov subspace dimension:
  Type ifdord = order of finite-difference formula:
 Type iplvl (informational printout level), and ipunit (printout unit):
 iplvl = 0 => no printout, 
       = 1 => iteration number and F-norm, 
       = 2 => ... + stats, step-norm, lin model norm,
       = 3 => ... + some Krylov method and backtrack info.
       = 4 => ... + more Krylov method and backtrack info.
1 6

 Solve driven cavity problem using Newton-GMRES   
 Preconditioner is biharmonic solver with Cholesky decomposition.
 Use  1-th order finite differences for Jacobian
 Problem parameters:
   nx:   63         n:   3969      Reynolds number: 1000.0
   ftol: 1.000E-08  stptol:  1.016E-07
 Initial f-norm:               1.016E+00

 nitdrv:  Beginning nonlinear iterations.

    It. no.   0      F norm =   1.016D+00

    It. no.   1      F norm =   2.935D-01

    It. no.   2      F norm =   2.220D-01

    It. no.   3      F norm =   1.137D-01

    It. no.   4      F norm =   7.950D-02

    It. no.   5      F norm =   5.423D-02

    It. no.   6      F norm =   4.517D-02

    It. no.   7      F norm =   3.720D-02

    It. no.   8      F norm =   3.006D-02

    It. no.   9      F norm =   2.633D-02

    It. no.  10      F norm =   1.652D-02

    It. no.  11      F norm =   9.931D-03

    It. no.  12      F norm =   4.218D-03

    It. no.  13      F norm =   9.233D-04

    It. no.  14      F norm =   8.741D-06

    It. no.  15      F norm =   7.314D-08

 nitdrv:  Terminating nonlinear iterations.

 Termination flag iterm:               0
 Final f-norm:                     7.314E-08
 No. function evaluations:           296
 No. J*v evaluations:                277
 No. P(inverse)*v evaluations:       292
 No. linear iterations:              277
 No. nonlinear iterations:            15
 No. backtracks:                       3
  To go, type 0; to stop, type 1:

% pormed
  Type problem parameters nx, d, bll, bur, src:
63 -50. 1. 0. 50.
 Type ikrysl, irpre (0-1), and ijacv (0-1):
ikrysl = 0 => GMRES
         1 => BiCGSTAB
         2 => TFQMR
irpre  = 0 => no right preconditioning
         1 => right preconditioning
ijacv  = 0 => finite-difference J*v
         1 => analytic J*v
2 1 0
  Type tol and fill for incomplete factorization:
0.0 4
  Type ifdord = order of finite-difference formula:
  Choice of forcing term:
 Type iplvl (informational printout level), and ipunit (printout unit):
 iplvl = 0 => no printout, 
       = 1 => iteration number and F-norm, 
       = 2 => ... + stats, step-norm, lin model norm,
       = 3 => ... + some Krylov method and backtrack info.
       = 4 => ... + more Krylov method and backtrack info.
1 6

 Solve flow in porous media problem using Newton-TFQMR   
 Use Choice 2 for forcing term
        alpha = 2.00E+00 gamma = 1.00E+00
 Preconditioner is ILUT(0.00, 4)
 Use  1-th order finite differences for Jacobian
 Problem parameters:
  nx:     63       n:     3969     d:-5.00E+01   bll:1.000E+00   bur:0.000E+00   src:5.00E+01
ftol: 4.18E-06   stptol: 1.00E-06
 Initial f-norm:               4.178E+00

 nitdrv:  Beginning nonlinear iterations.

    It. no.   0      F norm =   4.178D+00

    It. no.   1      F norm =   1.118D+00

    It. no.   2      F norm =   9.369D-01

    It. no.   3      F norm =   4.527D-01

    It. no.   4      F norm =   3.072D-01

    It. no.   5      F norm =   1.981D-01

    It. no.   6      F norm =   3.820D-02

    It. no.   7      F norm =   1.087D-02

    It. no.   8      F norm =   7.204D-04

    It. no.   9      F norm =   3.335D-07

 nitdrv:  Terminating nonlinear iterations.

 Termination flag iterm:               0
 Final f-norm:                     3.335E-07
 No. function evaluations:            59
 No. J*v evaluations:                 47
 No. P(inverse)*v evaluations:        38
 No. linear iterations:               19
 No. nonlinear iterations:             9
 No. backtracks:                       2
  To go, type 0; to stop, type 1: