
May it be possible making an everyday boring shop compete with amazon's algorithms?

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This software creates dynamic environment conditions to fit people moods in order to generate a more suitable place for purpose of the area.

It can be used to make a shop more endearing, to encourage the customers to buy our products, or it can be used in a garden to let the area more relaxing for visitors, or it can be used in a cinema to get more addictive the projections.

How it works

It works on sensorial environment conditions like lights, temperature, color and music to generate a more suitable place for the people inside. Linking this software with sensors and actuators let the system to control all these variables and modify them with a custom logic implemented in a decision service.


This prototype software deploys some sample RESTful microservices that communicate between HTTP protocol. The microservices’ net is used to collect all the data from sensors microservices, to process them in a decision service and to communicate to actuator microservices the action needed.

What’s a RESTful microservice?

A RESTful web microservice implements REST architecture.
REST means “Representational State Transfer” and it is an “architectural style”. A REST architecture has a complete independent logic for server and client and the communication between client and server is stateless: every message sent by a client to the server must be like it is his first message, not related to previous communication.

Why choose REST architecture?

The most important advantages of REST are reliability and scalability due to the clear separation between client and server and their complete independent deployment. This let also to use different code languages and specific technologies for each service.

Project details

We used as code language Java using version 8.

We exploit “Spring” framework to implement REST architecture and deploy microservices with an embedded version of “Apache Tomcat” (service deployer) included in project’s JAR package. We initialized the project with “Spring Boot” and managed compilation with Maven.

We added to pom.xml org.json dependency to manage JSON: http://json.org/

We saved collected data inside a Relational Database handled by MySQL RDBMS to retrieve old information that can be used to predict future conditions.

The access to the DB is managed by a Core Decision Service throw a jdbc connector driver obtainable from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/.

Core Decision Service

We deployed our core service on a hosted VPS (Virtual Private Server) with trusted network, 2-factor authentication and snapshot backup system.

This microservice run as system service and permits communications between all services and grants consistency of the ecosystem and process other services data inputs.

Decision Service calculates average for values measured by sensors and trend for value wanted from different services; than obtain the difference of that value and communicate it the updated absolute setting value to actuators.

Other services

They complete a PUT http request to obtain a subscription and to get saved by the system and then publish their data sharing with other services;

Browser function

Using Mozzilla Firefox is possible to obtain all the service connected (/get-available-connected), all the service connected with related data (/get-available-service) and is possible to subscribe interrogation query(/query/{your-query}).

NOTE: read FinalPaper.pdf