
This Kotlin program offers a collection of utilities for analyzing and manipulating various properties of numbers.

Primary LanguageKotlin



This Kotlin program offers a collection of utilities for analyzing and manipulating various properties of numbers. From basic operations like checking for even or odd numbers to more complex tasks like identifying special number types such as Fibonacci or Smith numbers, this program covers a wide range of functionalities.


Basic Number Properties

  • Check if a number is even or odd.
  • Count the number of digits in a given number.
  • Calculate the sum of digits in a number.
  • Find the product of digits in a number.
  • Reverse the digits of a number.

Prime Numbers

  • Check if a number is prime.
  • Find the prime factors of a number.
  • Perform prime factorization of a number.


  • Find all factors of a number.
  • Check if a number is a perfect square.

Special Number Types

  • Identify Niven numbers.
  • Identify Emirp numbers.
  • Identify abundant numbers and calculate their abundance.
  • Check if a number is a Tech number.
  • Check if a number is a Disarium number.
  • Check if a number is a Pronic number.
  • Check if a number is an Automorphic number.
  • Check if a number is a Kaprekar number.
  • Check if a number is a Special number.
  • Check if a number is a Lucas number.
  • Check if a number is a Smith number.
  • Check if a number is an Armstrong number.
  • Check if a number is a Fibonacci number.
  • Check if a number is a Circular Prime number.
  • Check if a number is a Prime Palindrome.
  • Check if a number is a Fermat number.
  • Check if a number is an Ugly number.
  • Check if a number is a Neon number.
  • Check if a number is a Spy number.
  • Check if a number is a Happy number.
  • Check if a number is a Duck number.

Number Representation

  • Convert a number to binary, octal, and hexadecimal representations.


To use the functionalities provided by this program, simply run the Kotlin file NumberUtilities.kt in your Kotlin environment. Follow the prompts to input a positive number, and the program will display various properties and classifications of that number.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for new features, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.