is a website that aims at making scientific research and tech blogs more accessible through the use of audio. Instead of reading the latest research publication, journal article, or tech blog, users can instead stream the audio versions of that content either on the website or by downloading the audio and listening to it on the go. Users can upload audio files of their latest published work and provide a URL to that work during the creation of their Laudable audio file. Users can interact with audio tracks by liking tracks and having those liked tracks show up your profile.
Backend respository:
Built With
Frontend: JavaScript, React v16.8.2, React-Apollo v2.4.1, React-Dom v16.8.2, React-Player v1.9.3, React-Router-Dom v4.3.1, React-Scripts v2.1.5, Material-UI v3.0.1, Apollo-Boost v0.1.28, Axios: v0.18.0, GrapQL v14.1.1,
Backend: Python 2.7.16, Insomnia REST API, aniso8601 v7.0.0, asgiref v3.2.10, autopep8 v1.5.4, dj-database-url v0.5.0, Django v3.1, django-cors-headers v3.4.0, django-graphql-jwt v0.3.1, django-heroku v0.3.1, graphene v2.1.8, graphene-django v2.13.0, graphql-core v2.3.2, graphql-relay v2.0.1, gunicorn v20.0.4, promise v2.3, psycopg2 v2.8.5, psycopg2-binary v2.8.5, pycodestyle v2.6.0, PyJWT v1.7.1, pytz v2020.1, Rx v1.6.1, singledispatch v3.4.0.3, six v1.15.0, sqlparse v0.3.1, toml v0.10.1, Unidecode v1.1.1, whitenoise v5.2.0 was used to host all of the uploaded audio files.
App Features
Become an Authenticated/Authorized User: Create a user account with your name, email, and password and get authenticated via Django-GrapQL-JWT.
Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Audio Files (Full CRUD): This API endpoint allows users to create (upload) MP3 files of their choosing provided the file size is < 15MB.Creating an audio file requires users to give their audio file a Title, Description, as well as attach a audio file. Users can also read, update, and delete audio files that they have created. When a user creates an audio file the audio track that user created will show up on that user's profile.
Download Audio Files: This API endpoint allows users to download MP3 files of their choosing.
Like Audio Files: This API endpoint allows users to like audio files of their choosing. Liked audio files will show up on that users profile.
Search Audio Files: This API endpoint allows users to search for audio files uploaded to
Demonstration Video
This is my second time building a projet with React and figuring out how to manage state with Apollo Client had a steep learning curve and proved to be very challenging.
Future Implementation
-Allow users to upload profile pictures. -Allow users to upload PDF's of their published work to be included with the audio file. -Text-to-speech option on uploaded PDF's in case the user doesn't have time to record an audio file.
Fork and/or clone this repo & the backend repo -
Create PostgreSQL database createdb laudible_db Migrate database tables in backend: python3 migrate Run backend server: python3 runserver
Install dependencies on frontend: npm install Run frontend server: npm start Checkout new branch
If you'd like to collaborate on this project, please email me at: