
Small ruby audio converter

Primary LanguageRuby

Audio to mp3

Converts audio in place to mp3 keeping metadata.

Remember to map the to_convert folder to the container, otherwise it won't find anything to convert.

It keeps the three directories.

It keeps all tags.

Convert to mp3 192kbps using the following ffmpeg command

ffmpeg -n -I <input-file> -ab 192k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 <input-file-without-format>.mp3

NOTE: it will delete converted files!

If you want to use less CPU force docker to use less through the compose-file


Converts using ffmpeg, uses ruby to scan sub folders, split tasks using parallel gem.

Docker compose example

version: "3.9"
    image: "martinogiacchetti/convert-audio-mp3:first-build"
      - "/path/to/folder/to/convert:/to_convert"
# limit cpus: https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/resource_constraints/#configure-the-default-cfs-scheduler