Tezos FullStack Console

REST API for translating from Michelson to Micheline and back. It utilizes Tezos-FullStack-Console-Translation-Module to perform it.


  • JDK (>= 8.x)
  • Scala (> 2.12.8)
  • SBT (> 1.2.8)

For running it in a container:

  • Docker

For running it without a container:

Running it in a container

  1. Clone repo
  2. Have Docker service running
  3. Execute ./run.sh

Running tests

  • For local unit tests use sbt test
  • For full integration tests use (with Docker service running) sbt testAll

Running it without container

  1. Clone repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Configure PostgreSQL access in application.conf
  4. Run sbt run

Other information about development environment

  • Make sure the ./run.sh script has execution permissions.

  • For working CORS the FE_URL and BE_URL environmental variables need to be correct. For local development they are already set up in the ./run.sh script (localhost:3000 for frontend, localhost:30002 for backend). When desirable, change their values in that file.

  • For running the application with working mailing, one need to update EMAIL_PASS with a proper value (or provide other account for the service to use). ./run.sh $EMAIL_PASS

  • Alternatively only the DB container can be run with docker-compose up -d tezos-console-db and the application run with:

sbt run
  • Backend documentation is provided by Swagger and it is available at $BE_URL/docs

Exemplary queries

Backed is available at localhost at port 8080 if running without a container or at port 30002 if running with a container. Query your local instance with exemplary snippets:

  • From Michelson to Micheline:
POST http://localhost:8080/v1/translate/from/michelson/to/micheline
Content-Type: text/plain

parameter int;
storage int;
code { CAR ;
       PUSH int 1 ;
       ADD ;
       NIL operation ;
       PAIR }
  • From Micheline to Michelson:
POST http://localhost:8080/v1/translate/from/micheline/to/michelson
Content-Type: application/json

    "prim": "parameter",
    "args": [
        "prim": "int"
    "prim": "storage",
    "args": [
        "prim": "int"
    "prim": "code",
    "args": [
          "prim": "CAR"
          "prim": "PUSH",
          "args": [
              "prim": "int"
              "int": "1"
          "prim": "ADD"
          "prim": "NIL",
          "args": [
              "prim": "operation"
          "prim": "PAIR"


Developed by Scalac